
Wednesday, 26 May 2021

360 photos? Hell YEAH!! (but sadly still not for everybody)

 Much has been said the passing months about 360 degrees photos and virtual tours, or better known as "Google Street View Tours".    The pandemic has made it clear that we can no longer visit our favorite places as much as we would want and this resulted in a significant boost towards the virtualization of places and businesses around the world, for the time when we can visit them again.  A while ago, 360 degree hardware equipment (and business opportunity) was fairly new and just for photographers with big pockets and much spare time for the learning curve.  360 degrees photo hosts were very few and expensive and in order to accomplish an adequate level of quality someone had to pass several expensive "masterclasses".  Businesses were almost unaware of the new technology abilities, the integration of such photos in their sites was a pain and the overall cost was relatively high.
